داستان آبیدیک

sensual experience


1 هنر:: تجربه حسی

The competencies to which I have referred, the commonplace abilities to manipulate and operate objects and tools, are accompanied by the bodily, sensual experience of using particular things. Each of these human-object relationships is set in a specific cultural context - central amongst these is the national context - and produce specific sensual experiences which relate to the affordances of things. For clothes produce sensual experiences, ways of moving and feeling, sitting and fiddling, by their 'textility' (Attfield, 2000). A distinct sensual experience is thus afforded by these contingencies, a tactile sense of motoring which involves continual manoeuvres: pressing the horn, jerking the wheel and applying the brake. These experiences change as motoring cultures evolve, as new travel options and networks are developed, and the sensual experience of automobility also restricts other, older ways of experiencing space, curbing the sensual possibilities offered by other mobilities (see Urry, 2000: 60).

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